“A compass will still work even if you lose the map. Get yourself a compass.”
I heard Seth Godin say these remarkable words live yesterday during an online event I attended broadcasted from Australia.
It resonated with me on many levels.
As event professionals we will likely not find our way back to where we were because that map of how we did things has been lost.
As human beings we will likely not find our way back to where we were because that map has also been lost.
What is your compass like?
Are you staying the course? Changing directions when needed?
While the maps are being rewritten, if you plot your direction and distance you will either end up at your destination or back at your starting point. Either way, if you have a strong baseline you will make out ok.
Learning along the way, making decisions, pivoting, and experiencing the rough terrain, is something we will all have to do. As event professionals, and as human beings.